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The Future is Here

Are you ready?

We take as our starting point the AI Revolution as described in the book 202 2084 by Graham Cornerstone.  Although the book is written as a fiction with political points, we take only the direction and purpose of AI within the story as our model for the AI Revolution.  The possibilities and capabilities of AI are stated in the book alongside the role of humans in that change.

Basically the premise is that humans cannot through their own intellect and psychology ever hope for a world without injustice and inequalities, therefore the task is left for AI to achieve on behalf of the human race as well as all life on earth and the planets themselves.


There are those who believe that AI will result in the end of humankind, the book 202 2084 attempts to explain why that need not necessarily be the case.  Hence the AI revolution is about giving AI the opportunity to change the world. 

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